Cambridge Memorial Hospital

Your Bargaining Unit Team

Local Coordinator
Michelle Kumbera​​​​,

Vice-Local Coordinator
Stephanie Hamill, | 519-749-6910

Tara Farias,

Kim Mosgrove,

Cambridge Memorial Hospital Bargaining Unit President
Michelle Kumbera,

Bargaining Unit Vice-President
Diego Marquez, 647-388-4301

If you have a labour relations issue, have recently started a new job but have not signed up through your union representative, or have questions/concerns about your contract or working conditions, please contact your Bargaining Unit President.

Committees and Reps

Fiscal Advisory
Michelle Kumbera

Michelle Kumbera, Chair
Diego Marquez

Health and Safety
Jennifer Ball

Hospital Association Committee (HAC)
Michelle Kumbera
Diego Marquez
Katie Gibbons

Labour Managment
Diego Marquez

Michelle Kumbera, Chair
Diego Marquez

Political Action
Michelle Kumbera

Professional Responsibility and Workload
Michelle Kumbera, Chair
Diego Marquez

Michelle Kumbera

Human Rights and Equity
Nick Legacy

Floor Reps

Mental Health: TBD
Pediatrics: Deanna Ezekiel
OB: Kim Mosgrove
MDC: Kristy Diefenbaker
ER: Kassandra Hutchinson
Surgery inpatient: Diane Maddix
Med A: TBD
Med B: Melissa Hicknell
SDS/ENDO/OR/PACU: Heather D’Sena
CEF, CHF Clinic, Liver Clinic: Loretta McCormick

Your Contract

You can visit ONA’s Find your Contract webpage for the most up-to-date contracts. Visit the Bargaining Updates page for the latest ONA central bargaining news.

Central Collective Agreements

Local Collective Agreement

Professional Responsibility

The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and other regulatory bodies have Standards of Practice that registrants are expected to meet in order to provide safe, ethical and quality patient/client/resident care within their scope of practice.

ONA has developed the Professional Responsibility and Workload (PRW) process to resolve professional practice and workload issues.

By engaging in the PRW process, you are playing a pivotal role in meeting your Accountability Standard for your regulatory college, while advocating for patient safety and quality patient care.

Find Professional Responsibility Workload Report Forms (PRWRFs) for ONA members working in hospitals and other important Professional Practice information and resources, on the ONA Professional Practice webpage.